Mother and Daughter
Camille and Danielle Camille joined the Star Aviation Sydney Passenger Reduced Mobility team in April 2018, with Danielle closely joining in August 2018.
As Passenger Service Officers, Camille and Danielle assist passengers throughout their end to end journey around the airport. In November 2018, Danielle was promoted to become one of Star’s Passenger Service Managers, responsible for managing and overseeing the team.
Cam Taylor says she loves to work with her daughter and is proud of her career progression; “being beside Danni when she progressed up the ladder was great to see, we always have the support of each other.”
When we asked Camille why she loves working for Star Aviation she said “It’s a fun environment and the team is very supportive and friendly. The Management team is approachable even the Managing Director Peter Georgioucomes and works on the floor with all his staff.”
Danielle Taylor says “I like working at star aviation because all the staff get along so well. We started off just work colleagues but now we are just like a small family, we all push each other to be the best we can be and to grow further in our careers.”